Dr. Carrie Madej issued a warning to humanity, in her documentary 'The Battle For Humanity'. She warned that these injections could permanently change the human DNA, with potentially desastrous outcomes. Fact checkers around the world - who are directly or indirectly paid by the vaccine industry - jumped on their horses to deny this and label it as fake news. Facebook also made it their policy to censor any and all voices that warned how this experimental gene therapy could potentially alter the human genome. Until... a Facebook employee recorded and released an insider zoom meeting with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who literally told his staff that the injections do indeed change the human DNA! These are his exact words: 'We just don't know the long term side effects of basically modifying people's DNA and RNA to directly encode in a person's DNA and RNA, basically the ability to produce those antibodies and whether that causes other mutations or other risks downstream.' Source: So while Facebook aggressively censors anyone openly discussung this, behind closed doors they admit that the human DNA and RNA is effectively being modified, and that nobody knows what other mutations can result from that. A PATENTED TRANSHUMAN NO LONGER A HUMAN WITH HUMAN RIGHTS Dr. Chinda Brandolino is a Spanish physician who has been speaking out about the fact that once the human genome is altered, that person is no longer considered an original human being, but has become a transhuman, and therefor loses human rights. Furthermore, she explains, that the altered DNA and RNA can be patented, making that genetically modified person property of the patent holders. Source: T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M DANGEROUS TOXINS GRAPHENE OXIDE IN VILES ALTERS THE ELECTRO MAGNETIC FIELD The world renown biophysicist Andreas Kalcker developed an effective treatment for COVID-19, which is used by over 5,000 physicians in 23 countries. His treatment, which consists of therapeutic grade chlorine dioxide, slashed the daily death rates in Bolivia from 100 deaths a day to virtually zero. It is used by the police, military and politicians in several Latin American countries. This same biophysicist has discovered that the vaccines contain large amounts of graphene oxide (up to 95%). He warns that the graphene oxide which is being injected into humans is altering their electro magnetic field. 1 'What we are concerned about is the side effects it has. This isn’t described in medicine, but it’s described in my field, biophysics. What happens? The body needs its electromolecular capabilities to work. The heart beats because there’s a magnetic field that creates, subsequently, the electricity for pumping and everything else. Graphene is completely altering our electromagnetic field, something that has never happened before. What we’re seeing is something ‘in vivo’ with some dramatic effects. We have been watching a lot of videos of people who are dying after being vaccinated. You see people spasming. These spasms have, for example, very specific frequencies, and they are basically the same in all kinds of spasms. These spasms clearly indicate that there is a disruption of the human electromagnetic fields.' The presence of graphene oxide, among other toxic materials like aluminum, LNP capsids, PEG and parasites in the vaccines was further confirmed by Dr Robert Young. 2,3 'Major revelations on what is in the CoV - 2 - 19 vaccines, with the use of electron, pHase, dark field, bright field and other types of microscopy from the original research of Dr. Robert Young and his scientific team, confirming what the La Quinta Columna researchers found - toxic nanometallic content with magneticotoxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic effects, as well as identified lifethreatening parasites. In addition, in 2008, Hongjie Dai and colleagues at Stanford University found graphene oxide.' 1: 2: 3: T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M DRAMATIC BLOOD CHANGES MICROSCOPIC RESEARCH REVEALS CHANGES IN BLOOD OF VACCINATED Dr. Robert Young also discovered how the blood of vaccinated people changes dramatically, after the injection with mRNA. The following image reveals the normal healthy state of the red blood cells which are even in color, even in shape and even in size. The second micrograph taken under Phase Contrast Microscopy reveals the live blood 24 hours after the mRNA vaccine now containing crystallized red blood cells called Heinz bodies, biological transformations of red and white blood cells, large symplasts of graphene oxide crystals center and Orotic acid crystals in the upper right hand corner of the micrograph. T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M Many more microscopic images can be found on the website of Dr Young, where one can also see evidence of the presence of graphene oxide in the vaccine viles: There is even far more going on with these diabolical injections. A quick search on Bitchute or Rumble reveals many more videos with footage of the vaccines or the blood of the vaccinated. What is uncovered is horrific: living organisms in the vaccines, red blood cells clogging together, all kinds of dangerous toxins, crystals that are performing certain tasks, nanorobots that are injected in the bloodstream after which they spread to the brain and all the organs in the body, and so on. Nothing of all of this is being made public by the vaccine manufacturers, but since all their vaccines appear to have the same kind of highly dangerous contents, it is clear they are all collaborating in a hidden nefarious agenda. FRAUD WITH COVID DEATHS WORLDWIDE FRAUD DRAMATICALLY INFLATED COVID DEATHS The excuse for murdering millions of people - and in the future potentially billions - with these extremely dangerous injections, is that it supposedly prevents people from dying from COVID19. The world population has been scared into unquestioning compliance with an unrelenting bombardment of so called covid deaths. The reality is however that the worldwide number of so L E T H A L T O X I N S Research by world renown scientists reveals the presence of highly toxic substances in the vaccines, that alter the bodie's electromagnetic field, which disrupts the normal functioning of the human body. The injections also dramatically alter the human blood, with even more serious health risks. On top of that the human genome is permanently modified, changing the vaccinated into transhumans who are no longer considered original humans, and who are owned by those who own the patents of the DNA modifications. T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M called covid deaths is without a doubt the greatest lie in history. All over the world it has been revealed that over 95% of all people who were registered as covid deaths, actually died from other causes. The Italian politician Vittorio Sgarbi exclaimed in the Italian Chamber of Deputies:1 ‘It is necessary to be united against dictatorships and to be united in the truth. Let's not make this the chamber of lies. Don't lie! Tell the truth. Don't say there's 25,000 dead. It's not true. Don't use the dead for rhetoric and terrorism. Figures from the Higher Institute of Health say 96.3% died of other diseases.’ A highly respected forensic German coroner Prof. Dr. Klaus Püschel examined more than 140 coronadalities in Hamburg at the start of the pandemic. On German TV he said that the hysteria around the coronavirus has been gravely exaggerated. All the people who died had underlying disorders and would have died quickly anyway, with or without the virus, according to Püschel, adding that there is no 'killer virus'. Eighty percent of patients suffered from cardiovascular disease and the average age was 80 years. Healthy people don't have to worry, says Püschel. The coroner also predicted that corona will not even cause a peak in the annual mortality rate, a prediction which turned out to be accurate. 2 While supposed covid deaths went through the roof, statistics in several countries showed that suddenly there are no more flu deaths. In the USA alone there are almost 40 million cases of the T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M flu every year, but since covid hit, this number dropped to less than 2,000. Where did all the tens of millions of flu patients go? They are now all being registered as covid. A prominent newspaper in Belgium, De Tijd, discussed how the government announced that some three thousand elderly people had died of covid-19. Partly because of these figures, the entire country was placed in an extreme lockdown, with horrifying destruction as a result. However, further research showed that only 3% of the deceased had been tested. This means that not 3,000 but only 90 elderly had covid-19.3 Medical professionals around the world have testified of being pressured by their supervisors to report every and all patients as covid, and register every death - no matter what the cause was - as a covid death. The internet has been flooded by thousands of testimonies of outraged people who said that they went to a doctor or hospital for issues unrelated to COVID-19 and to their amazement they were registered as a covid patient.4 Dr Elke de Klerk, the founder of Doctors for Truth in the Netherlands, testified that she received secret messages in the dossiers of terminally ill patients, requesting that these people should be registered as covid deaths.5 Project Veritas called several funeral directors in New York, and they testified how every dead person was registered as covid, while everybody knew that was not correct.6 Minnesota senator Scott Jensen, who is also a practicing physician, revealed on Fox News that U.S. hospitals receive huge financial incentives to register patients as covid. For every person they registered as a covid death they are paid 39,000 USD. This has been confirmed by medical professionals around the world. 7 The technical director of CNN Charlie Chester was secretly filmed by a Project Veritas undercover journalist, while he admitted that CNN inflated the death rates, in order to keep viewers glued to the screen.8 A zoom meeting with African officials was leaked, revealing how they were discussing ways to to ramp up covid numbers, in order to continue the lockdowns.9 National File has obtained a recording of a Zoom video conference call between physicians and a marketing director at Novant Heath New Hanover Regional Medical Center, a group of 20 hospitals, clinics, and offices that treat patients in North Carolina and South Carolina. In the recording, Mary Rudyk, MD tells Director of Marketing Carolyn Fisher and another hospital T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M employee that she wants the hospitals to become more 'scary to the public' by inflating the number of COVID-19 patients, and by using messaging that falsely tells individuals 'if you don’t get vaccinated, you know you’re going to die.' 10 New York was the epicenter of the covid-19 pandemic. In the heart of New York is the famous Elmhurst hospital where supposedly more people are dying from this virus than anywhere else in the world. It's literally the epicenter within the epicenter of the pandemic. For this reason, an experienced nurse from Florida, Erin Olszewski, decided to go there to help with the crisis. What she saw in this worldfamous hospital, however, filled her with so much horror, that she decided to take a hidden camera with her to film what was going on. Patients who repeatedly tested negative for COVID-19 are still registered as 'confirmed COVID-19' and treated as such. They are put on a respirator in a covid ward... which causes them to die. In a revealing documentary by Journeyman Pictures, this nurse talks about the crimes she constantly sees happening in Elmhurst. She shows on her smartphone how a patient indeed tested negative for covid-19 twice... and yet was registered as 'confirmed' covid-19'. She explains that this happens all the time in Elmhurst: deception and murder resulting in high covid-19 mortality rates that are trumpeted.11 T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R


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