For decades the tyrannical system of worldwide oppression and control, called the New World Order, was labeled a conspiracy theory. But as it is with all so called conspiracy theories, after some time they prove to be more than theories. In Australia the health officials no longer hide their agenda, and have been calling their covid tyranny literally the 'New World Order'. This is what the chief healt h officer of New South Wales, Kerry Gai Chant, said during a public broadcast: 'We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order. Yes, it will be pubs and clubs and other things if we have a positive case there.' 1 Brad Hazard, the Australian Health Minister, said the following words: 'That's just the way it is. We have got to accept that this is the New World Order'. 2 An Australian news reporter announced new restrictions with the following words: 'Also the New World Order that will come into force at 12pm, at midnight tonight, new restrictions on various businesses.' 3 Another Australian news broadcast, said it like this: 'The New World Order, our army comes marching in, partnering with police, to help enforce the countries tough new quarantine laws.' 4 The day that the new restrictions came into place, the news reporter said: 'Today is the first full day of the New World Order. Outdoor gatherings are limited to two people. Excercise is allowed but no further than a 10km radius from your home. Browsing in shops is not permitted. Only one person per household may leave to do essential shopping. And from tomorrow funerals are limited to ten people.' What is the excuse for this inhumane tyranny? 14 supposed covid deaths during all of 2021! While in 2017 over four thousand people died in Australia from influenza and pneumonia. 6 T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: e%20to%20influenza~5 ULTIMATE MIND CONTROL CHILENE PRESIDENT UNVEALS PLAN TO CONTROL HUMAN THOUGHT As we all know, the goal of criminals is to always increase their power and wealth. They are never sastisfied, but continually crave for more power and money. Ultimately they want to play 'god' over the whole world, where everybody will be their servant. In order to keep increasing their power, there is one thing they need: the blind obedience of the masses. Only a totally ignorant and utterly obedient population will collaborate with their plans. That's why they have been buying the entire world's mainstream newsmedia, education systems, health care and government agencies, etc. so they can use all of that to spread their brainwashing propaganda to every mind in every corner of the world. Still, they don't stop here, as they are fully aware that not everybody blindly believes everything that is said on television. Therefor their plan to gain 100% control over the minds of all of humanity have further developed. Recently their agenda has been voiced loud and clear by the Chilene president Sebastiรกn Piรฑera. In a public speech he bluntly announced to the entire nation: 'Let's hear what the leaders of the world launch in this community. It is the possibility that machines can read our thoughts and can even insert thoughts, insert feelings. 5G is a tremendous leap. It's a cosmic leap, a Copernican leap, because really what 5G technology is going to mean is an even greater shift in our lives than all the previous technologies have meant. It offers the possibility that machines can read our thoughts and can even insert thoughts, insert feelings. That's not just going to change life, it's going to transform it. 5G in the actual nervous system of our society, just like that. It is to modernize our state, to be a change that reaches every home in our country.' 1 T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M After stealing our voices through aggressive censorship, stealing our votes through election fraud, stealing our money through ever increasing taxes, they will now steal our very own thoughts and feelings through 5G. That will be the summum of their tyranny, as they will be able to impose the desired thoughts and feelings onto the whole world, so nobody will even be able to divert from their narative anymore. Is that why Klaus Schwab so confidently states in his promotinal videos about the near future: 'You will own nothing, have no privacy and you will be happy.' 2 Could it be that he is referring to an artificially induced state of fake happiness? That feelings of frustration about having no privacy or private possesions will simply be removed from the population, and everybody will be hypnotised to blindly comply and smile all day long, while they have lost everything that makes them unique individuals? What does this have to do with this vaccine report? It could be more than we are aware of right now. In order for 5G to be able to modify the thoughts and feelings of the population it requires another element: nanoparticles inside of the brains of people, that receive and transmit the 5G signals. It turns out that the substance that is most efficient in communicating with 5G is the very substance that is massively present in the covid injections: graphene oxide. 3, 4 No substance on earth communicates better with 5G than graphene oxide 5 , and no substance in existence is more efficient in penetrating the human brain and manipulating human thoughts and feelings, than graphene oxide. One company that has been using graphene to manipulate the human brain, for medical purposes, is INBRAIN Neuroelectronics. Their website states: 'We use GRAPHENE, the thinnest material known to man to build the new generation of neural interfaces for brain restoration to help patients around the world.' The company highlights its technology as being able to 'read' a person’s brain, detect specific neurological patterns, and then control that person’s neurology to alter their brain function. In their own words: 6 'Our graphene-brain interfaces have the capability of reading at a resolution never seen before, as well as detecting therapy-specific biomarkers and triggering highly focal adaptive neuromodulation for increased outcomes in personalised neurological therapies.' T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M It appears that the intention of INBRAIN is to merely help people with neurological disorders, but the reason I mention them is to illustrate how graphene is indeed the best substance to alter the human brain. And again, it works better with 5G than anything else. The fact that it is massively present in the covid vaccines, is therefor highly disturbing, especially if we know what the agenda is of the word leaders, as described by the Chilene president: '5G offers the possibility that machines can read our thoughts and can even insert thoughts, insert feelings.' Another element we have to touch on, to end this report, is the clear and public agenda of the globalists, to end humanity as we know it and steer humanity into becoming cyborgs. This is clearly explained in detail in the book of Klaus Schwab 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution'. He strongly believes humans need to become one with machines, that are fully connected to the cloud, and who are surveilled and controlled by artificial intelligence. That's why he says nobody will have any form of privacy anymore, yet they will be 'happy'. How well Schwab masters the skill of deception with cleverly chosen words to hide his true intents, is seen clearly at the end of his book The Fourth Industrial Revolution: 'In the end, it all comes down to people and values. We need to shape a future that works for all of us by putting people first and empowering them. In its most pessimistic, dehumanized form, the Fourth Industrial Revolution may indeed have the potential to “robotize” humanity and thus to deprive us of our heart and soul. But as a complement to the best parts of human nature—creativity, empathy, stewardship—it can also lift humanity into a new collective and moral consciousness based on a shared sense of destiny. It is incumbent on us all to make sure the latter prevails.' What he says here is that humans need to be empowered and may not turned into robots. However, then he concludes which must prevail: 'lift humanity into a new collective and moral consciousness'. What does that mean? It means exactly what it says: every human will think and feel the exact same way, we will all share the same 'collective consciousness'. This means total brain manipulation of all of humanity. Every soul on earth will be submitted to the narrative that the world leaders prescribe, or in Schwabs clever words: 'humanity will have a new collective consciousness'. No longer will Google, Facebook or Twitter need to censor anybodies voice, because the Fourth Industrial Revolution will ensure that all of humanity is 'lifted into the same mindset'. That's the ultimate goal of these criminals. The hypocrisy of Schwab is sickening, as this is exactly what he T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M says should not happen. This is literally turning humans into robots who can no longer think for themselves, but who will all be forced to share one and the same 'mind'. The agenda is crystal clear: humanity must be digitized and connected to artificial intelligence, that will tell everyone what to think and feel. Key to this, is injecting humanity with nanotechnology, that turns every person into a walking antenna that can receive and transmit all kinds of signals. Could that be the reason they insist on imposing never ending injections onto humanity? Is it so they can continually increase the presence of graphene oxide and other nanotechnology inside of people, shifting them more and more to the new era of cyborgs and transhumans? If that wasn't exactly what the World Economic Forum has been promoting for the past decades, and what is explained in their recent articles, books and videos, I would consider this to be the scenario of a bad movie. But it is no movie. It's in reality what these mad psychopats are cooking up in their insane minds as the future for humanity. Sources: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: U L T I M A T E C O N T R O L After hiding their agenda for many decades, labeling every discovery of it as a silly 'conspiracy theory', now the globalist madmen come out into the open with their insane ideas: 5G will insert thoughts and feelings into everyone. Klaus Schwab explains his dream for humanity to all share the same consciousness (which they of course program for us). They key to this is inserting nanotechnology like graphene oxide into the human body, which travels to the brain, and can then receive and transmit 5G signals. Is this why these vaccines are mandated for all of humanity, and why they contain specifically this very substance that is used for brain manipulation, and works best with 5G? T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M Evidence that graphene oxide is in the vaccines: HUMANITY RISE UP! IF WE DON'T SPEAK UP NOW, WE WILL BE SILENT FOREVER We are facing something so evil, that none of us can stand at the sidelines as a neutral onwatcher any longer. So far many have remined silent, out of fear for losing jobs, finances, position, respect or friends. We must understand however that when we don't speak out now, we will lose far more than jobs, finances and friends. We will lose our very humanity and become programmed slaves without the ability to think or feel individually. What can we do? All of us can do something. Everybody can print out this report in many copies and distribute it to their law enforcement, school directors and teachers, medical personel, friends and neighbors. We can all send this PDF to an online printing service like VistaPrint and have thousands of copies made, that we can hand out in our community. All of us can send this PDF as an email attachment to all our contacts, and to people in authority. The nr one strength of this criminal network is the ignorance of the population. The vast majority of medical personel is clueless what they are collaborating with. All they see is a command from above, some extra money in their bank account, and they play along. I believe that many of them would stop being a puppet of these criminals, once they read this report and understand what is threatening humanity. The same goes for law enforcement. In California 30% of the police is refusing the vaccine mandates, because they have been informed about the danger it poses to their very lives. All over the world there is a growing movement called Police for Freedom. We can inform many more police officers, sherrifs etc. and open their eyes. Once they see who is abusing them for their tyrannical games, they can choose to no longer be the 'dogs' sent out by the criminal politicians to bite innocent citizens. T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M


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