
Showing posts from November, 2021
 NEW WORLD ORDER AUSTRALIA NO LONGER HIDES WHAT IS GOING ON  For decades the tyrannical system of worldwide oppression and control, called the New World Order, was labeled a conspiracy theory. But as it is with all so called conspiracy theories, after some time they prove to be more than theories. In Australia the health officials no longer hide their agenda, and have been calling their covid tyranny literally the 'New World Order'. This is what the chief healt h officer of New South Wales, Kerry Gai Chant, said during a public broadcast: 'We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order. Yes, it will be pubs and clubs and other things if we have a positive case there.' 1 Brad Hazard, the Australian Health Minister, said the following words: 'That's just the way it is. We have got to accept that this is the New World Order'. 2 An Australian news reporter announced new restrictions with the following words: 'Also the N...
  These are but a few of the many examples of massive fraud with covid numbers, which is happening around the world, to create the excuse for the current worldwide vaccination program. Much more evidence of this can be found at: Sources: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: https://www.youtu...
  PERMANENTLY ALTERED DNA THE HUMAN GENOME IS BEING MODIFIED  Dr. Carrie Madej issued a warning to humanity, in her documentary 'The Battle For Humanity'. She warned that these injections could permanently change the human DNA, with potentially desastrous outcomes. Fact checkers around the world - who are directly or indirectly paid by the vaccine industry - jumped on their horses to deny this and label it as fake news. Facebook also made it their policy to censor any and all voices that warned how this experimental gene therapy could potentially alter the human genome. Until... a Facebook employee recorded and released an insider zoom meeting with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who literally told his staff that the injections do indeed change the human DNA! These are his exact words: 'We just don't know the long term side effects of basically modifying people's DNA and RNA to directly encode in a person's DNA and RNA, basically the ability to produce thos...
 T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M  analysis of the British Yellow Card reporting system and found it unfit to properly reveal the true number of adverse events. 'We can conclude that the Yellow Card reporting scheme can provide some limited information that may be useful for alerting the UK public to possible adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. However, the initial conception of the scheme as a purely descriptive rather than as an experimental undertaking means that it cannot address the real issues that are of crucial importance to the UK public. These issues are whether there are causal relationships between vaccination with the PF and AZ vaccines and serious adverse effects such as death, and if so, what are the size of these effects.' 5 Sources: 1: 2:
 B R A Z I L In Brazil the official vaccine death count is 32,000 during a 5 month period. The report was published on, which reportedly has about the same number of pageviews as, according to data from SimilarWeb. Despite these high amounts of deaths following vaccination, the report states: 'Vaccination is still the best way to control the disease.' Source: T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M SCIENCE PROVES VACCINE DAMAGE STROKES, HEART ATTACKS, HEART INFLAMMATION, CANCER,... A study by the University of San Francisco, or Salk Institute, shows that the vaccines turn the human body into a spike protein factory, making trillions of spikes that cause blood clots, which cause strokes and heart attacks. 1 Another study confirms how the vaccines can cause deadly blood clots, that in turn cause heart attacks and strokes. ...
 T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M One of the smallest nations in the European Union is The Netherlands. There an extraparliamentary research commitee set up a platform for citizens to report vaccine adverse events. This is no initiative from the government and has received no attention whatsoever in the media. The vast majority of the Dutch population is therefor unaware of its existence. Yet, dispite its narrow scope of influence, this private initivative has already received reports of 1,600 deaths and 1200 severe health damages, often permanently disabling the people. What if the entire vaccinated population knew about this platform and filed their reports? And what if this was also happening in the much larger E.U. countries, like France and Germany? Their numbers would be exponentially greater as well. Yet, even if the number of reported deaths from the much bigger E.U. countries would be similar to The Netherlands, then...
 T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M VACCINE DEATHS SUMMARY WHAT IS HAPPENING IS FAR WORSE THAN WE THINK VAERS published 16,000+ deaths and 450,000+ adverse events, as of August 28, 2021 CDC fraud expert says that number of deaths is at least five times higher 150,000 reports have been rejected or scrubbed by the VAERS system The actual number of anaphylaxis is 50 to 120 times higher than claimed by the CDC Vaccinated people who die within two weeks, are not listed as vaccine deaths Moderna received over 300,000 reports of adverse events in only three months time The Lazarus Report shows that only 1% of adverse events is being reported by the public The majority of the population is not aware of the existence of systems where they can report vaccine adverse events Agressive censorship and propaganda told the public that adverse events are rare, causing people to not understand how their health problems stem from past injecti...
 MODERNA: 300,000 ADVERSE EVENTS HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS IN THREE MONTHS TIME A whistleblower from Moderna made a screenshot of an internal company notice labeled “Confidential - For internal distribution only”, showing there were 300,000 adverse events reported in only three months time.” Quote: 'This enabled the team to effectively manage approximately 300,000 adverse event reports and 30,000 medical information requests in a three month span to support the global launch of their COVID-19 vaccine.' Source: T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M LESS THAN 1% IS BEING REPORTED STUDY SHOWS REAL NUMBER OF ADVERSE EVENTS IS 100X HIGHER All this information already shows us that the number of adverse events and deaths is a multitude of what is being told to the public. The situation is however still far worse, than most of us can even imagine. The famous Lazarus report from Harvard P...
  T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT  Is there evidence of millions of deaths and serious adverse events resulting from the experimental COVID-19 injections? BY D AV ID JOHN SORE NSE N & D R. V LAD IM IR ZE LE NK O M D V E R S I O N 1 . 0 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 P U R P O S E The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide. F A C T S Our aim is to only present scientific facts, and stay away from unfounded claims. The data is clear and verifiable. References can be found with all presented information, which is provided as a starting point for further investigation. C O M P L I C I T Y The data suggests that we may currently be witnessing the greatest organized mass murder...