T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M VACCINE DEATHS SUMMARY WHAT IS HAPPENING IS FAR WORSE THAN WE THINK VAERS published 16,000+ deaths and 450,000+ adverse events, as of August 28, 2021 CDC fraud expert says that number of deaths is at least five times higher 150,000 reports have been rejected or scrubbed by the VAERS system The actual number of anaphylaxis is 50 to 120 times higher than claimed by the CDC Vaccinated people who die within two weeks, are not listed as vaccine deaths Moderna received over 300,000 reports of adverse events in only three months time The Lazarus Report shows that only 1% of adverse events is being reported by the public The majority of the population is not aware of the existence of systems where they can report vaccine adverse events Agressive censorship and propaganda told the public that adverse events are rare, causing people to not understand how their health problems stem from past injections The shaming and blaming of medical professionals who say anything against the vaccines, cause many in the medical community to avoid reporting adverse events The fear of being held accountable after administering an injection that killed or disabled patients, further prevents medical personel from reporting it Having accepted financial incentives to promote, and administer the covid vaccines, also stops medical personel from reporting adverse events Profit driven vaccine manufacturers have every reason not to report the destruction their untested experimental products are causing 200,000+ Facebook users comment about vaccine deatths and serious injuries T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M Yet, all of this is only the short term tsunami of suffering caused by the experimental covid injections. Bill Gates, the world's number 1 vaccine dealer and a major driving force behind this worldwide push for covid vaccinations, said in an interview with the BBC that most adverse events only show up after two years, which is why vaccine development usually takes many years. This means that the waves of death and disabilities in the coming years will be even exponentially greater. Especially because there is a push to impose more and more booster shots onto the population, with vaccine passports being implemented all around the world. WORLD EXPERTS WARN HUMANITY LEADING SCIENTIFIC VOICES ISSUE GRAVE WARNINGS This alarming data leads world experts, like the Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine, Dr. Luc Montagnier, to issue a grave warning that we are currently facing the greatest risk of worldwide genocide, in the history of humanity. 1 Even the inventor of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, warns against these injections that are using his technology.2,3 The situation is so severe that former Pfizer vice president and chief scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon has come forward to warn humanity for these extremely dangerous injections. Dr Yeadon recorded several videos in which he shares his scientific expertise, revealing the dangers of these experimental injections. One of his best known videos is titled 'A Final Warning'.4 Another world renown scientist, Geert Vanden Bossche, former Head of Vaccine Development Office in Germany, and Chief Scientific Officer at Univac, also risked his name and carreer, by bravely speaking out against administration of the A S T R O N O M I C A L N U M B E R S This data leads us to the inevitable conclusion that the number of vaccine adverse events is many times higher than the official reports admit. In the USA alone several hundreds of thousands lost their lives already, and worldwide this number is without a doubt many millions. The number of permanently disabled people is a multitude of that. If indeed less than 1% is even being reported to the CDC, the already high number of 450,000 adverse events can easily be many millions in the USA alone. Applying that to the rest of the world reveals a horrifying wave of destruction the likes of which humanity has never witnessed before. And the immunizations only just started... T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M covid shots. The vaccine developer explains why we may be on track to creating a global immunity catastrophe. He warns that the covid injections could compromise the immunity of the vaccinated, making them dangerously vulnerable for every new variant. 5, 6 SOURCES: 1: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x81f1y1 2: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6260748415001#sp=show-clips 3: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/censored-dark-horse-podcast-bret-weinstein-robert-maloneinventor-mrna-vaccine-technology 4: https://rumble.com/vk894g-dr-michael-yeadon-a-final-warning-to-humanity.html 5: https://thehighwire.com/videos/a-coming-covid-catastrophe 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJZxiNxYLpc VACCINE DEATHS WORLDWIDE THE SAME GOES FOR NATIONS AROUND THE WORLD It would take us too far to list the data from every country in the world, but the situation we described in detail from the United States illustrates sufficiently the severe destruction caused by these untested, experimental injections, and how the corrupt health agencies and vaccine manufacturers hide the vast majority of adverse events from the public. We will however briefly touch upon some other countries, to prove that the situation in America is not unique. E U R O P E A N U N I O N In the European Union (which consists of only 27 of the 50 European countries) the official reports of EudraVigilance officially admit as of August 18th 2021 that approx. 22,000 people died and 2 million suffered side effects, of which 50% are serious. 'It be classified as ‘serious’ if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results in death, is lifethreatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect.' Source: https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/21766-dead-over-2-million-injured-50-serious-reported-in-europeanunions-database-of-adverse-drug-reactions-for-covid-19-shots/ https://www.adrreports.eu/en/index.html T H E V A C C I N E D E A T H R E P O R T S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M One of the smallest nations in the European Union is The Netherlands. There a


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